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hello all!

long time no talk. as you know, i said that i would start a new legacy right away. if you follow me on twitter, then you saw that i had founders every so often that didn’t go anywhere.

well, i’m here to tell you that i’m putting this blog to rest. i have started a new legacy, but am posting pictures here and there over on my tumblr, along with other families i play or houses i build. you can still follow me on twitter, although i don’t post there as often as i’d like. and finally, i have a youtube channel where i post speed builds and soon you’ll start to see a few let’s play series.

thanks for all of your support over the years. i’ll keep this site up just in case i ever decide to post a legacy similar to the wallace legacy.

lots of peace, love and sims.

– jill

author announcement

so… i have some bad news. after a save error on my computer, i backed up the game and deleted the bad files. i put the backed up file back in, but it’s not being recognized and i have had to delete everything. i’m sorry to announce that this is the end of the wallace legacy.

i am leaving all the old posts up under the wallace legacy category and will begin a new legacy today. i’m not sure if this will be story-telling like the wallace legacy was, or a more observational one like the creeper legacy. i’m going to look around at some of my favorite legacies and see how they do it

i’m not sure when everything will be up and going, but keep checking back and i’ll keep updating my twitter with the situation.

i’m going to miss these silly sims, and i had really grown attached to generation 6 (i played way ahead of my posts) so this is pretty heartbreaking. i hope we all grow as attached to my new family as we did to the wallaces.

thank you for everything,

– jill

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i have some bad news. plain and simple. bad. news.

i bought the seasons expansion pack and was so excited to use it. i installed it right away and went to play. at the launch screen, it crashed. not a big deal. sometimes that happens initially and we get over it. that happened with generations and it was fine ever since then.

i go to play it again and it tells me i have an unofficial mod. that’s awkward. i uninstalled my mods months ago and have been mod-free since then. i did some research on the google machine and it told me to delete my caches. i did that and went to try again. still no dice. i delete my CC. still not working.

frustrated, i realize i have only one choice: re-installation. I back up the wallace family (the files are still sitting on my desktop) and uninstall everything. in the meantime, i also decide to clean out my computer, deleting all kinds of apps and files i just don’t need. that cleared out a ton of space (when first installing, my game told me that i needed more room, so i cleared just enough before going in for the kill) and i decided to start installing.

i install the base game and world adventures just fine. i grab my ambitions disk and give that one a go. it starts fine, but then gets stuck during the process. i stop it and try a few more times before updating world adventures first. the updates fail, so i uninstall everything and start from the beginning. now my base game disk is giving me problems, getting stuck during the installation process.

i take the disk and bring it to my dad’s computer, trying to determine if it’s the disk or my computer. it’s the disk.

so, moral of the story: my base game disk is busted, possibly so is my ambitions disk. i need a new computer because my “d” key is sticking, along with my trackpad mouse thing and occasionally the button to open my computer. it is also running out of memory, slow, and the battery is on it’s last leg.

i have a few chapters saved up that i was going to post all at the same time, but now i will post them bit by bit as i get this all sorted. hopefully it will be soon, but it really could be awhile. i am going to buy myself a new computer sometime this week, give the disks another go, and then negotiate some early christmas gifts with my mom and dad.

so sorry that i have to tell you this. in all my years playing the sims, i had never had an issue until now. i will not abandon this story, as it is the furthest i ever got and i’m not ready to let go or give up after all this time.

thank you for your loyalty and love,

– jill

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hey everyone!

i want to apologize for the lack of posts and updates. i have been extremely busy working two jobs this summer, and the sims have taken a serious backseat. i know that plenty of people work and update, but this is not my number 1 priority, so sometimes it falls to the wayside.

there is a bright side, though! don’t fear that this is the end – it most certainly is not. friday is my last day of working at camp, so i’ll be able to play and update before school starts in september, at which point i will resume semi-regular updates. promise!

thanks for sticking with me and being patient. i have lots of material sitting in a folder on my computer just waiting for me to put it up. the posts are going to be great with lots of photos! just think – we’re onto generation four in just a few chapters!

once again, thanks and much love for sticking with me.

– jill

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hello faithful readers!

i would like to apologize for the lack of chapters this month. my semester thus far has consisted of lots of hot dates with my media law book (we’re thinking about making the relationship official), spending time with my friends who i had not seen in half a year, taking photos and doing research for the magazine i work on, taking hot photos of my hot roommates for photo class, and writing articles for my journalism class. this week along i am going to a police station to look at reports, photographing my roommate for a depth-of-field assignment, going to the courthouse to sit in on cases and getting it on with my media law book.

i do not know when things will settle down, if at all. i promise that i am not abandoning this, and will do my best to play as often as i can (i was able to get in about an hour today – don’t tell my media law book. he gets jealous easily) and update when i have sufficient pictures and storylines.

in the meantime, continue having fun playing your own games and continue reading the fabulous work of the simmers who blog (links to the right, haterz to the left).

peace and love!
